Top 10k strings from Prestel 2 - Heartsearch (19xx)(Prestel Tapezine).z80
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1 h;"Page ";a/h 1 h;"HEARTSEARCH";''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 1 ;"START THE TAPE": 1 - Q to Quit": 1 "time on the free pages, and pro-vided you move about by menu se-lections, you always get advancewarning of costly pages, but be-ware of direct page no. entry. Cancer Research did rather well out of one 'try page x!' notice!": 1 "bulletin boards for penpals, hobbies, and clubs. Computer in-terest areas also have small adssections where you can place no-tices to buy and sell, or just acry for help in the dungeon." 1 "PRESTEL2" 1 "Mailbox. This is only available on the London computer at the moment, which is an expensive phone call for us country folk, but by the end of 1984 the localPrestel computers should be set up to forward your Mailboxes to other users nationwide." 1 " Wups! What's this got to do with computing? Well, it's greatfun to poke around in what ev- eryone else is up to (in this case, hanky-panky), and, while those of us with stable rela- tionships may regard Heartsearchwith amusement, there are other" 1 " This is where Prestel becomes exciting for me, because, vast as it is, it will respond to youand you can contact the other users who, invisibly, inhabit the place with you. The numbers in the notices are not for phon-ing but for electronic mail, via": 1 " Mailbox is free now but may becharged for later. Users who re-gister for it can also send Tel-ex messages from Prestel, but these do cost."'" Most charges on Prestel can beavoided, as you can have a great" 1 THEN PRESS ANY KEY